Better Future Foundation


Better Future Foundation is a non profit organization that strives to support and assist impoverished children, families, and communities in education, healthcare, nutrition, basic life goods, and a long term goal to assist with income generation areas through sponsorship and skills education programs to assist in breaking the poverty cycle that stricken families for generations.

Better Future Foundation will focus on children, as the children are the keys to a better future for the whole family through education and empowerment of healthy children to strive for change in future employment and higher income, which raises the welfare of the whole family. In order to understand the needs of each child, BFF will partner with other like-minded NPO and NGO entities to establish nurse offices as a base of operations in order to deeply understand local languages, cultures and norms. This nurse office will be able to gather first hand information and data to build a support system for a sustainable and meaningful impact for each child, family, and ultimately the whole community.

Better Future Foundation will hope to build together a network of nurse offices around the world in assisting with underprivileged children and create a platform where information, technologies and sustainable solutions can be shared and developed jointly to make the world a better place for children. Through our long term efforts we strive to change the lives of not just children, but the whole community, by building from the ground up, starting with the children. 



For our ONE CHILD phase, we focus on the care and growth of each child individually by providing a support system within the school for all of their health and educational needs. We will provide a safe sanctuary for them to grow physically and mentally with the ultimate goal of empowering them to strive for a bigger, brighter, and better future.

For our ONE FAMILY phase, we focus on the direct family of the child to try and understand the social family surroundings of the child, by empowering the parents through programs such as education, income generation, housing, and moral support, we empower the family to strive for change and create hope in the family. By doing so, we create a positive and stronger support system that extends from the school to home, allowing the child to grow in a positive and optimistic environment.





For our ONE COMMUNITY phase, we focus on the community as a whole to solve problems such as infectious diseases, income generation, agriculture, food and water, educational programs and others. Through time, with successful implementations of different types of projects, the community itself can grow and break the cycle of poverty leading a renewed hope for everyone in the community.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to systematically develop a support system for the future generation by concentrating our focus first on the children individually and in time expanding outwards to the direct families and ultimately to the community. We believe that the way to break the cycle of poverty is largely predicated on the future success of the child, and as such, we look to develop a support system expanding out from each child. With each expansion, we build our support system network, child by child, family by family until it covers the full community, our approach may be more time consuming but we hope we are able to build a sustainable long-term impact for every child, empowering them to build a better future.

“ Believe you can and you're halfway there. ”
Theodore Roosevelt
“ All kids need is a little help, a little hope, and someone who believes in them. ”
Magic Johnson
Better Future Foundation